January 10, 2015


Do you know, how it feels, when you fall in love with something?
If yes, and I bet you do, than you can understand my feelings, when I first saw this adorable fabric...

I just have boys. And, of course, always wanted a girl. You know: long hair, ponytails, sweet dresses, bling bling. Stuff like that...

I bought some different fabrics, to make a quilt called "My Favorite Things" from Amy Gibson.
This photo I took off from Amy's webside.
Her online course, to make the quilt with her, you can find here: craftsy the-twisted-irish-chain

Anyhow, I needed to purchase this fabric for that quilt, just because it is such a girly and pinkish fabric...

And because I had some leftover fabric, I made a little layer cake, to practice my free motion quilting skills. It is not hard to see, that I am still at the beginner level.

Now I have a nice little placemat for my candle on the dining table. 

Thanks for stopping by!