October 22, 2014

Thank you and Happy Halloween

First of all: Thanks to all my customers at the BIG ONE Arts and Craft Sale!

My kids are happy, that I have a lot more time for them now. Because I don't have to paint in every spare minute. (My youngest is just pretending, that HE is the artist, lol).

Happy Halloween to all of you!

October 18, 2014

Today is the day

Well, here is the day, the BIG ONE Arts and Craft sale has started!

October 4, 2014

5 Paintings in 10 days

Hmmm, 5 Paintings in 10 days??? Not that good!

Actually, I had one more, but my almost-2-year-old son wanted to paint as well - - - on my nearly finished painting... *eek* 
So that was a total loss:

However, should I attest him to be an artist OR is he just a simple destroyer?? Have to think about that! *smile*